Berry Confident

Success Begins With Your Mindset

The Purpose of This Blog

Hello! the reason for this blog to exist is to elevate the way you think about yourself. How do you talk to yourself? You shape your own life by shaping your thoughts. As Earl Nightingale says, you become what you think about. If you have negative thoughts, you will have negative results. But if you have positive, resilient and develop a growth mindset, that in turn will provide positive results.

My mission and purpose is life is to help you bring a positive, healthy and successful mindset.

Self-mastery is the path to a freer you

Life can be messy and difficult at times, and knowing what to do or how to deal with challenges can be daunting. Like with any undertaking, having the right tools to deal with the ups and downs makes so much difference. I strongly believe that we came into this world to learn, grow and help others in their journey as well. My purpose with this site is to share my ideas and knowledge professionally and personally to be an improved version of yourself. To believe in yourself and expand your possibilities. To master your fears and doubts the same way I’ve worked on mine. To completely crush any self-imposed limiting belief.


Self-Confidence Starts With How You Think

Building the life you want begins with awareness of how we think. What are the most common and constant thoughts that flow through our mind? what story are you constantly and repeatedly telling about yourself?

Furthermore, the life you are living is a direct reflection of your beliefs, thoughts and opinions which may be true or not, but most importantly, they were learned from a very young age and we keep perpetuating with our actions.

Personal mastery is a fascinating topic that I have been exploring lately. It’s a passion of mine to think and develop myself through books, trainings, videos and podcast about always searching for ways to improve myself. How to share this knowledge with the rest of the world.

We have the power to mold and shape the outcomes we get in life. This was a very powerful and revealing truth that took me a while to grasp. For instance, I never thought I could write a blog in English, and here I am. Spanish is my native language, so writing in a second language to me was not something I thought I could do before. However, here I am, writing away. One day I decided I was going to do it and I did. What changed? the way I saw myself.

Same with public speaking. I was terrified of getting in front of an audience and sharing my stories and points of view. Who would want to listen to me? would they even understand the words that came of my mouth? would I even make sense if I shared I what the story of where I come from, my favorites books or food? again, I changed the way I thought myself and I started making things happen.

As Les Brown says based on an old African proverb, and I’m going to paraphrase here, “if we win over the enemy inside (criticisms, self put-downs, etc.) then the enemy outside can do us no harm. In other words, if we are able to control our negative self talk that is constantly plaguing our minds, then we will be able to live a free life to pursuit are dreams and purpose.

The key is to think of yourself as capable, valuable and worth of your achievements and start doing it today. Surely, you will feel afraid and self-conscious about others’ opinion, but, so what? if you don’t do it, they will judge you anyway for under-performing. Therefore, no worries! As the book says, feel the fear and do it anyway.

At first you will feel a great deal of fear and anxiety, but the more you do and repeat and action, you will inevitable get better and in turn gain more self-confidence. Think yourself as already achieving your goal, take action, learn from mistakes and you will succeed.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is a very real occurrence that happens to all of us. The internal feeling of doubt and insecurity that creeps in when we least expect it. It’s that nagging and uncomfortable feeling that some how we are not worthy of our success, despite all our knowledge and achievement we are still not enough.

Oh, a very difficult situation.

For instance, I know my stuff. I’m knowledgeable in the topic of growth and personal development. Somehow, sometimes, it’s easy to feel that you don’t know enough, that before you say or do anything, you still need to go back to school or gain 15 more years of experience until I can get the ball rolling with my dreams and aspirations.

That’s harsh. We tend to be overly critical of ourselves, even when we have accomplished so much in our lives. How to best deal with it?

1-Recognize the feeling. Don’t let it overwhelm you, just notice it and watch it go by. Like all feelings, it will slowly fade away if we don’t hold on to it too tightly.

2-Discuss with people you trust. Talk openly about it with people you admire, respect and can be confidential. It will give you a sense of relief to learn that high-achievers also experience it and how the manage it.

3-Celebrate small wins. You don’t have to wait until you get a promotion or finalize a big, multiyear project. Did you send a quick email respond you’ve bee sitting on, celebrate it! this will strengthen your sense of confidence and achievement every day.

4-Have self-compassion. You don’t have to be perfect and it’s OK to make mistakes every once in a while while you learn from it and strive to grow personally and professionally.

5-To stop feeling like an imposter, we need to stop thinking like an impostor. Instead of worrying about knowing everything about everything, realize that you are good at some things than other. That will give you sense of confidence and competence and in turn it will change your thoughts about yourself.

The Strangest Secret

One of the most influential books for me with a very mysterious and catchy title is The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale. In this book he explains the difference between people who win and those who fail. The reason failure is so common is conformity, as we don’t know the reason why we do what we do every day. We lack clear definition and clarity of purpose.

It doesn’t matter what that is, as long we have a predetermined job that we want to do. Whether it’s working as an executive, in retail, sales, cleaning, however you define it.

He further defines that success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Day after day, week after week, year after year, we have a definite objective and destination. For me, it’s constant personal development and improvement. This is a passion project of mine.

In the book, Nightingale explains a very simple but deep concept: We become what we think about. Let me repeat that and let that sink in: We become what we think about. A man/woman is what they think about all day long. We are able to alter our lives by altering our attitudes of mind.

If you wish to become something in life, as long as you are willing to take action, then that will become your reality. If you wish to become good, then you will become good. If you think in negative turns, then you will get negative results.

The mind is just like a garden, it will produce whatever seed you plant in it. The mind doesn’t care, it will give you exactly what you plant. You plant success, it will return success, but if you plant failure, that’s exactly what you get. We should not take it for granted.

What is it that you want? what seed do you want to plant? do you want better sales, be a better family member, more confident, more peace of mind?

Your limitations tend to be self-imposed and you can cultivate a mind of possibilities to rise beyond your circumstances, no matter what they are. You can overcome obstacles and achieve your clear goal, as long as you are willing to work for it and to align it with your thoughts.

For the next 30 days, think long and hard about your goal and write it down. Substitute negative thoughts with a positive outlook, and remember that we get exactly what we give. Work consistently on that goal by also helping others get their own goals and you will see positive results. Success is in direct proportion of the service that we provide.

Keeping in Control

It’s so easy to be frustrated by life’s ups and downs. One day we are feeling great about how things are going, and the next one, things could go completely south. This is the great thing we call life.

However, you are in control at all times, not of the circumstances, but about how you feel and you respond. As Viktor Frankl wrote, and I’m paraphrasing here, “our choice to respond to any given circumstance as humans is the last of human freedoms.”

A key piece to my own development is to fully realize and internalize that in life most things are out of my control. It sounds basic and logical, but it’s easy to get swept away by our need to want to control every single aspect of our life. This will inevitably lead to stress and frustration. It’s not worth it!

What are the things that are outside my control? well, the economy, other people’s behavior and feelings, the weather, political outcomes. Of course, you may say you can influence these things, surely, but you cannot completely control them. It’s quite a revelation to be at peace with this truth.

Instead of focusing on the things that I cannot control, I draw a circle on a piece of paper and write in all the things that I”m able to influence and control. This simple exercise will give you more breathing room when I’m facing a tough challenge. Can I control it? is there something that I can do about it? is this something that will pass and will it matter in a year, 5 years from now?

It takes patience and practice, like most things in life. However, doing this simple exercise will make you feel in a more positive and stable frame of mind. the only thing that I can truly control 100% of the time is my own action and behavior. How I respond to anything that happens to me, and that my friends, is true freedom of choice.

  • This is the moment to change your life
  • View obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning
  • You create your own reality. Your views and thoughts provide everything you have.
  • Don’t like what you have or who you are? change it.
  • The time has come to stop doubting yourself and all the things you can do.
  • Wishing is not enough. You need to be committed to action and effort, every single day.

Elevate your journey today.